
이 연구는 Banks의 이론적 모형에 기반하여 소통 중심의 다문화 교수·학습을 설계하고, 초등학생 학습자를 대상으로 이원집단 사전-사후 검사를 적용하여 상호문화적감수성 향상에 미친 영향을 실증적으로 분석하였다. 이 연구는 다문화 학습자로 하여금 여러 층위의 독자와 상호작용하도록 지원하기 위해 ‘내용 통합, 지식 구성 과정, 편견 감소, 공평한 교수법, 학생의 역량을 강화하는 학교 문화와 조직’의 다섯 차원으로부터 5차시의 교수·학습을 설계하고, 상호문화적 감수성 발달 모형 가운데 문화상대주의에 해당하는 ‘수용’과 ‘적응’을 측정하여 그 변화를 추적하였다. 분석 결과 소통중심의 다문화 교수·학습은 ‘적응’에 중간 정도의 효과크기를 보이며 유의한 영향을미치는 것으로 나타났다. 반면 ‘수용’에는 유의한 영향을 미치지 못한 것으로 확인되었으며, 이는 초등학생 학습자에게 있어 일종의 천장 효과가 존재하는 것으로 해석될수 있었다.

The study aims to analyze the impact of communication-centered multicultural teaching and learning on the improvement of intercultural sensitivity. For the purpose of the study, communication-centered multicultural teaching and learning based on Banks' theoretical model was designed. The analysis was conducted by applying binary group pre- and post-implementation tests on elementary school students. In order to support multicultural learners to interact with audiences at different levels, the teaching and learning model has been designed, incorporating the five dimensions of “content integration, knowledge construction process, prejudice reduction, equity pedagogy, and an empowering school culture and social structure.” Changes were tracked by measuring “acceptance” and “adaptation” that correspond to cultural relativism within the developmental model of intercultural sensitivity. The analysis found that communication-centered multicultural teaching and learning had a significant effect on “adaptation” with an effect size of medium. On the other hand, it was confirmed that there was no significant effect on “acceptance,” which could be interpreted as a kind of ceiling effect for elementary school students.


Multicultural Education, Intercultural Sensitivity, Banks, Communication, Audience, Content Integration, Knowledge Construction Process, Prejudice Reduction, Equity Pedagogy, an Empowering School Culture and Social Structure, Acceptance, Adaptation